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Our projects


Investment Project Land Analysis-Detection Planning Data Supply and Acquisition Processes (Balıkesir, Elazığ etc.)

Determination of the Appropriate Investment Region by Modeling National Investments and Macroeconomic Developments such as Balıkesir, Elazığ, Antalya Province and Creation of Development Plans Suitable for Investments and Process Management​

Balıkesir Teknolojik Sanayi ve Logistik Tesis Alanı 

Alternatif Alan Araştırması - Fizibilite - Süreç Yönetimi Planlaması - Planlama Hizmetleri

Elazığ Gelişme Alanı

Mülkiyet Odaklı Fizibilite ve Süreç Yönetimi Planlaması

Antalya Sektörel Gelişim Alanlarına Bağlı Fizibilite

Afyon-Emirdağ Turizm Odaklı Kırsal Gelişim Alanı Fizibilite

Alternatif Alan Araştırması - Fizibilite - Süreç Yönetimi Planlaması - Planlama Hizmetleri

Additional and Revision Zoning Plans

Revision Zoning Plan Studies for Provincial and District Centers (ANKARA (Based) - KARS - ÇERKEŞ etc.)​


Organized industrial Zone
Land Selection - Expropriation
Zoning Plan and Article 18 Zoning Implementation (ÇERKEŞ OIZ)

Organized Industrial Zone Directorate All Project Stages Required for the Additional Area and Revision of the Existing OIZ Zoning Plan​


Renewable Energy Production and Storage Area Zoning Plan

Preparation and Approval of Zoning Plans for EMRA Licensed or Unlicensed Sites (Ankara (Bala - Polatlı) - Eskişehir (Sivrihisar) - Antalya (Korkuteli) etc.) ​



​In All Our Projects Approved Within the Scope of Projects, Article 18 Zoning Application is made. (Ankara (Based) - Çerkeş OIZ - All Plans for Renewable Energy Production Facilities (Ankara - Eskişehir Antalya) and Construction Plots for Investment Projects.

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