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Planning and Zoning

  • Upper Scale Planning Studies; Environmental Plan studies for Tourism Regions in our country, together with environmental plan studies at regional (1/100,000) and provincial level (1/50,000 - 1/25,000).

  • Long Term Development Plan (UDGP) Studies;Long Term Development Plan researches and planning studies for National Parks and Nature Parks, which should be done within the scope of Law No. 2873. (1/25,000)

  • Planning Studies for the Whole City;Within the scope of the Master Zoning Plan (1/25,000 - 1/5,000) studies for the whole city and the Implementation Zoning Plan (1/1000), along with the sectoral new zoning plans, additional and revision zoning plan studies and research studies on zoning plans.

  • Conservation Development Plan Studies; "Conservation Plan" studies for "Urban", "Archaeological" and "Natural" protected areas under the Protection of Cultural and Natural Assets Law No. 2863. (1/5000, 1/1000, 1/500)

  • Organized Industrial Zone Planning Studies;Master and implementation zoning plans and subdivision plans for industrial working areas such as Organized Industrial Zone, Free Zone, Technology Development Zone.

  • Site Zoning Plans and Plan Changes; According to the existing plans, outside the boundaries of all types and scales, zoning plan studies that are not integrated with the plan and zoning plan amendments made by considering the principles of public interest to ensure the continuity and integrity in the main plan decisions.

  • Urban Design Pprojectforward;In addition to the determination of plan decisions, 1/500, 1/200 and 1/100 scale urban design projects carried out together with the planning work within the planned areas.

  • Zoning Plan Applications; Parceling maps, map studies made or commissioned by the Municipality or Governorships, based on Article 18 of the Zoning Law, in order to create zoning plots,

  • Expropriation Applications; In cases where the public interest is required, map studies are carried out for the transfer of immovable properties owned by real and private legal persons to the ownership of the State and public legal persons.

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